Enabling young women to develop confidence, self-awareness and independent thinking through a self-development and coaching intervention in Devon, UK
There are increasing mental health issues among UK youth with young women from disadvantaged backgrounds being particularly vulnerable. Recognising the complex issues facing young women in Devon, funding was obtained to deliver an ambitious programme entitled No Label No Limit providing emotional support and personal development to young women (aged 13 to 14 years) in 13 schools across Devon in the academic year 2022/2023. A subset of this group (45 young women from five educational establishments) received additional one to one youth coaching sessions. Although the youth coaching was originally intended to increase the potency of the No Label No Limit programme, it proved to be a highly effective standalone intervention for disadvantaged young women with complex and multiple needs. This paper will describe and discuss this coaching intervention and its evaluation.
youth coaching, young women’s mental health, school to work transitions
How to Cite
Blackburn, A., Shields, J., Westbury, A., Jaqueline, K., Hammond, J. & Carter, A. J., (2024) “Enabling young women to develop confidence, self-awareness and independent thinking through a self-development and coaching intervention in Devon, UK”, EWOP in Practice 18(1): 4, 36–68. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/ewopinpractice.90429