Innovative work design in the hotel industry – effects of a team intervention on team productivity, job crafting and work engagement
The Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System (ProMES) was introduced in four departments of a hotel. We assumed that the introduction of ProMES would lead to a productivity improvement of the departments involved as well as to increased job crafting and work engagement among the participants. In line with our expectations, the multi-level analysis confirmed a positive relationship between ProMES and job crafting behaviours of employees during the feedback phase. At the same time, the introduction of ProMES revealed significant gains in productivity. However, the assumed positive relationship between ProMES and work engagement could not be confirmed.
ProMES, job crafting, work engagement
How to Cite
Roth, C., Reichert, M. & Ulrich, S., (2020) “Innovative work design in the hotel industry – effects of a team intervention on team productivity, job crafting and work engagement”, EWOP in Practice 14(1), 90–112. doi: