Workplace mindfulness inventions: What are the benefits, when are they appropriate, and how can organizations optimise the transfer of training?
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is now frequently offered as a stress management intervention in the workplace. The academic evaluation of workplace mindfulness interventions is a small but growing area of research, highlighting the potential benefits to both the individuals and organizations who take part. This article will use the existing literature to focus on key outcomes of mindfulness training from the perspective of the individual and the organization. Suggestions will be made of contexts where mindfulness training may not be appropriate, and of ways that an organization providing this training for their staff might facilitate the process and therefore maximise the benefits.
How to Cite
Ingram, L., (2015) “Workplace mindfulness inventions: What are the benefits, when are they appropriate, and how can organizations optimise the transfer of training?”, EWOP in Practice 7(1), 86–98. doi: