Myths among personnel (HR) professionals
In this paper we share our experience and examine some myths that exist among personnel (HR) professionals. In order to get an overview how deep is the gap between academic knowledge and everyday truths regarding personnel management we carried out the study in two phases. In the first phase we interviewed outstanding Estonian personnel managers as an expert group, and the second phase interviewed personnel professionals and non-HR professionals from different occupations (engineers, bookkeepers, lawyers, civil servants, and teachers). We explored issues of knowledge in the field by looking at the levels of agreement regarding the quality of research evidence in Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP). The study revealed that the work done in many personnel management fields is based on similar myths that exist among non-personnel professionals.
How to Cite
Teichmann, M. & Randmann, L., (2013) “Myths among personnel (HR) professionals”, EWOP in Practice 5(1), 5–11. doi: