A tenuous link: Psychological contracts and perspective-taking between a promotion agency and its workers
This paper explores the relationships between employees‟ psychological contract perceptions, perspective-taking between employees and employers, and employees‟ responses to declining job satisfaction (e.g., absenteeism). Fifteen employees of a promotion agency participated in semi-structured telephone interviews, and their comments were explored qualitatively using template analysis. Employees‟ work behaviour was related to their perceptions of employers‟ psychological contract violation and the perspective-taking attempted by both parties. Implications for employment relationships and contingent workers are discussed.
How to Cite
Calvard, T. S., Carter, A. J. & Axtell, C. M., (2008) “A tenuous link: Psychological contracts and perspective-taking between a promotion agency and its workers”, EWOP in Practice 2(1), 3–13. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/ewopinpractice.87056