Comparative studies

Comparative study on the efficacy of ketamine-xylazine-buprenorfine and ketamine-xylazine-nalbufine in rabbits undergoing castration

  • F. Ur Rehman
  • Y. Shaher
  • H. Bin Rashid
  • A. Qadir
  • S. Usman
  • S. Rafi
  • Z. Ullah
  • K. Ahmad
  • A. Hussain
  • M. Ali Khalique
  • A. Aziz
  • M. Awais
  • M. Asif


The current clinical study was designed to evaluate the anesthetic effects of a combination of xylazine-ketamine-buprenorphine (KXB) and of xylazine-ketamine-nalbuphine (KXN) in rabbits undergoing castration. The study was conducted in twelve adult male rabbits aged between six months and one year and weighing between 4 and 5 kg. The rabbits were divided into two groups, each comprising six rabbits. Each rabbit in group A was administered a ketamine-xylazine- buprenorphine combination. Each rabbit in group B was given a ketamine-xylazine-nalbuphine combination. Various intraoperative and postoperative anesthetic effects were evaluated. The data were analyzed using a t-test with a repeated measure design and Mann-Whitney test. In this study, the anesthetic combination used in group A (KXB) resulted in a slightly longer anesthetic duration with better postoperative analgesia than in group B (KXN). However, all other parameters showed no significant differences between both groups. It was found that the use of a aketamine-xylazine-buprenorphine combination provides a slightly longer anesthetic duration and better postoperative analgesia than a ketamine-xylazine-nalbuphine combination.

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Published on
25 Jun 2024
Peer Reviewed