
Risk factors for antimicrobial use in food-producing animals: disease prevention and socio-economic factors as the main drivers?

  • J. Bokma
  • J. Dewulf
  • P. Deprez
  • B. Pardon


The European Union requests an urgent decrease in antimicrobial use (AMU) in food producinganimals to reduce antimicrobial resistance in animals and humans and safeguard the efficacy of antimicrobials for future generations. The identification of risk factors (RFs) for AMU is essential to obtain a rapid reduction. The aim of this review was to summarize the current knowledge of RFs for AMU in veal calves, pigs and poultry. Thirty-three observational studies were included. Well-identified RFs for an increased AMU are frequent purchase of animals, herd size (large or small depending on the animal species), and a lack of selected biosecurity measures. Also in beef breed calves, more antimicrobials are used than in Holstein calves. AMU is influenced by the farmer, the veterinarian and by the integration. In general, socio-economic RFs are largely unexplored. The causal factors for AMU are multiple and complex, with possible confounding factors and unidentified interactions. Additional knowledge of socio-economic drivers appears particularly urgent to create tailor-made guidelines and awareness campaigns for each sector.

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Published on
30 Aug 2018
Peer Reviewed