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Retrospective Study

Ultrasound-guided removal of vegetal foreign bodies in the lower extremities of dogs: a retrospective study of 19 cases

  • E. Fauchon
  • C. Lassaigne
  • G. Ragetly
  • E. Gomes


Subcutaneous abscesses or granulomas in the lower extremities of dogs commonly occur secondary to the penetration and migration of vegetal foreign bodies (FBs). The aim of this study was to describe the clinical presentation and ultrasonographic appearance of intact grass awn FBs in the lower extremities of dogs, and their ultrasound-guided retrieval with particular emphasis on the feasibility, effectiveness and prognosis associated with this technique. In this retrospective study, 22 FBs were identified ultrasonographically in 19 dogs. The procedure resulted in the successful retrieval of the FB in 100% of dogs, and the clinical signs resolved in 90% (n=17) in less than ten days. No complications or recurrence were encountered. This study shows that ultrasonographic examination should be the first-choice modality when a vegetal FB is suspected within the distal extremity, as it allows both identification and removal of the FB with a minimally invasive procedure, with short- and long-term effectiveness and good prognosis.

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