Authors: D. Maes , T. Vandersmissen , E. de Jong , F. Boyen , F. Haesebrouck
Staphylococcus hyicus is the causative agent of exudative epidermitis, an important skin disease in pigs. The classical form is characterized by general dermatitis and epidermitis without pruritis and by dehydration and death. This form of the disease mainly occurs in pigs younger than eight weeks. Localized forms with lesions at the eartips, the head, the flanks and the other extremities also occur, especially in pigs older than six weeks. Toxins produced by S. hyicus, together with predisposing factors causing skin lesions are important for the development of clinical symptoms. The clinical symptoms and lesions are typical, but the isolation of the bacterium from the lesions is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment entails fluid therapy, the topical use of antiseptics and the use of antimicrobials. Control is based on the prevention of skin lesions, the optimization of the housing conditions, stable climate and nutrition, and the application of sanitary and hygienic measures in the stables to lower the infection pressure.
How to Cite: Maes, D. , Vandersmissen, T. , de Jong, E. , Boyen, F. & Haesebrouck, F. (2013) “Staphylococcus hyicus infections in pigs”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift. 82(5). doi: