Case Report
Authors: N. Smits , I. Gielen , L. Mosselmans , W. Dingemanse , T. Bosmans , E. Van der Vekens , B. Van Ryssen
In this case report, a young Rottweiler is described that suffered from bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the talus. The signalment, history and clinical signs were typical for this condition, but atypically, the lateral trochlear ridges were affected. Due to the large size of the fragments, the prognosis was reserved. However, one year after surgery, the clinical outcome was surprisingly good. The left and right trochlear ridges seemed to be filled up with osseous material.
How to Cite: Smits, N. , Gielen, I. , Mosselmans, L. , Dingemanse, W. , Bosmans, T. , Van der Vekens, E. & Van Ryssen, B. (2013) “Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral trochlear ridge in a young Rottweiler”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift. 82(5). doi: