Computed tomography of the uterus and ovaries in healthy dogs: a descriptive and comparative study
- S. Vermeire
- M. Brzozowska
- M. Rapp
Canine uterine and ovarian diseases are common in countries where prophylactic ovariohysterectomy is not generally performed and clinical work-up is commonly confined to ultrasonography of the female reproductive tract. Although increasingly used in veterinary practice, there is a lack of computed tomography (CT) data on either the normal or abnormal appearance of these organs. In this prospective, descriptive and comparative study, CT images of the uterus and ovaries of 22 bitches with no clinical signs of reproductive organ disease were examined. CT was compared to ultrasonography and the level of agreement between both was analyzed. The results indicate that it is feasible to evaluate the entire uterus and ovaries using CT. In this study, a range of cervical, uterine horn and ovarian appearances are described and illustrated. Although native CT failed to detect uterine cystic lesions, other CT characteristics were linked to cystic endometrial hyperplasia, warranting ultrasonographic examination. In general, CT can be used to approximate ultrasonographic measurements.
How to Cite:
Vermeire, S., Brzozowska, M. & Rapp, M., (2021) “Computed tomography of the uterus and ovaries in healthy dogs: a descriptive and comparative study”, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 90(5), 235-244. doi:
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