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Believing and belonging in multicultureel Europa: een minderheidsperspectief


As a consequence of international migration, religion has returned – if it had ever disappeared – as an important group boundary in contemporary society. This is evident in research on attitudes and social contacts that repeatedly shows social segregation and negative stereotyping particularly between Muslims and non-Muslims, but also between religious and non-religious individuals. The research outlined in this inaugural lecture focuses on the question under what conditions this group boundary becomes stronger, and when it takes on a more symbolic character or fades altogether. Drawing on large-scale survey research I aim to establish when people with a migration background can identify with and participate in European societies that are prevalently secular but where an anti-Islamic discourse is strong. What role do length of stay and intergroup friendship relations play in this process? I will argue that in addition to counting practice frequencies and the importance of religion, we need to better understand the different meanings that immigrants derive from their religion to get a grip on how and why religion acts as a social boundary in contemporary society.

How to Cite

Fleischmann, F., (2023) “Believing and belonging in multicultureel Europa: een minderheidsperspectief”, Tijdschrift Sociologie 4, 1–21. doi:



Fenella Fleischmann orcid logo (Sociologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam)



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