Alleen maar een verlangen? jobgerelateerde risicofactoren en seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de Vlaamse cultuur- en mediasector


In this paper, we analyse how characteristics of the work environment in the cultural industries influence the likelihood of experiencing sexual harassment. We differentiate between communicational (remarks, jokes and infantilization) and behavioural (physical contact and force) forms of sexual harassment. Experiencing the work environment as highly competitive and having a large professional network prove to be the most important explanatory factors. Doing artistic work is a secondary factor that helps explain the prevalence of sexual harassment. Occupational status is also important, but this effect differs for men and women. Men experience sexual harassment more often when they have a lower status position within the cultural and media industries, while this is not the case for women.

How to Cite

Willekens, M., Siongers, J. & Lievens, J., (2020) “Alleen maar een verlangen? jobgerelateerde risicofactoren en seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de Vlaamse cultuur- en mediasector”, Tijdschrift Sociologie 1, 159–181. doi:



Mart Willekens orcid logo (Universiteit Gent)
Jessy Siongers orcid logo (Universiteit Gent/Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
John Lievens orcid logo (Universiteit Gent)



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