Authors: Amelie Van Pottelberge , John Lievens
The aim of the present study is twofold. First, we assess the experience of interethnic social contact from the perspective of the Turkish ethnic minority in Flanders. We evaluate to which extent Turkish ethnic minority members experience ethnic prejudice, and study the effect of socio-demographic characteristics. Secondly, we focus on attitudes concerning a specific case of interethnic social contact, partner selection. We assess the effect of experiencing ethnic prejudice on the preferences parents have concerning the ethnicity of the future partner of their children. Using data from the Sexpert-study (n = 430) and applying linear regression models, results illustrate that (1) ethnic prejudge is very common in the lives of Turkish minorities in Flanders. (2) Men, respondents with a lower socio-economic status and partner migrants are especially at risk to experience prejudice. In the second part, using multinomial logistic regression models on the same dataset, we show that (1) half of the parents prefer ethnic homogeneous partnerships, and show no openness towards Belgian partners. Nevertheless, openness towards interethnic partnerships is found among more than 25 percent of the parents. The rest has no distinct preference concerning ethnic homogamy, nor interethnic partnerships. (2) Parents who experience ethnic prejudice have higher odds to prefer an ethnic homogeneous partnership and to show no openness towards Belgian partners. (3) Additionally, in the case of daughters, parents with higher educational attainment are more likely to be open towards an interethnic partnership than lower educated parents.
How to Cite: Van Pottelberge, A. & Lievens, J. (2017) “Gevoelens van etnische vooroordelen bij Turkse Vlamingen: in welke mate zijn ze gelinkt aan ouderlijke voorkeuren in partnerkeuze?”, Sociologos. 38(1-2). doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86941