
Agency en structure in de ervaringen van jongeren: een andere kijk op de verklaring van jeugddelinquentie

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Numerous explanatory models and theories of youth delinquency focus on one or multiple structural factors, but neglect the importance of the youngster himself and his agency in the process of delinquency. Recent desistance research emphasises agency in the process of quitting crime but fails to provide a clear conceptual framework to study the meaning and explanatory value of agency and structure at the start of the delinquent process. Based on ideas from different disciplines as well as on qualitative interview data with youngsters who reside in juvenile institutions, this article aims to introduce an integrated framework of agency and structure and clarify how these elements can contribute to the explanation of youth delinquency.


How to Cite: Troonbeeckx, S. , Put, J. & Pleysier, S. (2015) “Agency en structure in de ervaringen van jongeren: een andere kijk op de verklaring van jeugddelinquentie”, Sociologos. 36(4). doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/sociologos.86894