
Overeenkomsten tussen Nederlandse gedetineerden en hun partners op het gebied van demografische, sociaaleconomische en criminele kenmerken

Authors: , , , ,


This research note is about a very specific group of (marital) partners in our society: prisoners and their partners. The aim is to investigate to what extend there is a resemblance between detainees and their partners. Data from the Prison Project from 2011 on 1.909 detainees and their partners was used. To examine the resemblance between detainees and their partners, odds ratios were estimated using logistic regression models. Detainees and their partners resemble each other greatly on demographic, social economic, and criminal characteristics. In contrast to what was expected, cohabiting and married couples only resemble each other more than dating couples on a few characteristics and couples of whom both partners have committed crimes do not resemble each other more than couples of whom the non-detained partner has never committed a crime.


How to Cite: de Goede, S. , Nieuwbeerta, P. , Van der Lippe, T. , Dirkzwager, A. & Reef, J. (2012) “Overeenkomsten tussen Nederlandse gedetineerden en hun partners op het gebied van demografische, sociaaleconomische en criminele kenmerken”, Sociologos. 33(3-4). doi: