
Samen doen of samen zijn?: over arbeids- en gezinsverantwoordelijkheden en de tijd die partners samen doorbrengen

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Demanding jobs, diligent leisure agenda’s and a devoted family life put pressure on the time partners spend together. A systematic review of the literature shows that this time is defined as the time partners spend on the same activity, ‘do together’, whereas the equally could spend their time on different activities but in each others presence, ‘be together’. Using the Belgian time-use surveys of 1999 and 2005 including 4.043 couples we demonstrate that studying what partners do together results in an underestimation of the time partners are together. We confirm the negative impact of work and family responsibilities on the time partners spent together on the same activities, but also show that family responsibilities coexist with more time partners indeed spent on different activities, but still are together. Doing different things but being together seems a ‘strategy’ for partners with large(r) family responsibilities to come to joint time.


How to Cite: Minnen, J. , Van Tienoven, T. , Glorieux, I. & Daniels, S. (2012) “Samen doen of samen zijn?: over arbeids- en gezinsverantwoordelijkheden en de tijd die partners samen doorbrengen”, Sociologos. 33(3-4). doi: