Author: Hanne Vandermeerschen
Research has shown that asylum seekers encounter more mental health problems than refugees, who officially have been granted asylum. It is highly probable that the explanation for this has to be sought in the current living conditions of asylum seekers. In this study, we concentrated on the structure and organisation of asylum seekers facilities. Sixteen in-depth interviews with asylum seekers were carried out, in two different settings: an asylum seeker centre and a small-scale facility. We examined how asylum seekers experience their life in the facility they were allocated, and what features have an impact on their well-being (from their point of view). Results show that the prohibition of work and the lack of meaningful activities are perceived as being most problematic. But worries about their future seem to be even more an impediment for well-being.
How to Cite: Vandermeerschen, H. (2007) “Tussen hoop, angst en verveling: de ervaringen en het welbevinden van asielzoekers in de Belgische asielopvang”, Sociologos. 28(3-4). doi: