Author: Jill Adams
Based on qualitative interviews, this article examines how former breast cancer patients experience the possibility of predispositional testing. A literature review led us to expect that a considerable degree of interest in testing would emanate from the societal context of genetic testing. The central concept in this article is ‘genetic responsibility’, refening to the tendency to hold people responsible not only for voluntary risks, but also for genetic risks - i.e. passing on genetic mutations. In this study however, only few interest in genetic testing for breast cancer was found. Possible explanations are the nuanced perspective of the respondents on the etiology of breast cancer, and their sense of responsibility for the emotional well-being of relatives which appeared to be equally important as the concern for passing on genetic mutations.
How to Cite: Adams, J. (2004) “Genetisch testen: fataliteit of nieuwe verantwoordelijkheid?: kwalitatieve studie naar de houding ten aanzien van pre-dispositietesten voor borstkanker”, Sociologos. 25(4). doi: