Author: Maarten Moens
What are the relationships between time use and the feeling of time pressure? This research question goes into the relationship between objective and subjective definitions of time pressure. The workload, which is often used as an objective indicator of time pressure, correlates - as expected - positively with the feeling of time pressure. Nevertheless, apart form the workload; indicators for time allocation and co-ordination problems are also important in explaining the feeling of time pressure. Time use patterns characterised by activities in different life spheres, irregular working hours and a high level of time sovereignty cause severe feelings of time pressure. For dual earner families and those in the busy age the workload en the co-ordination between life spheres are the main mechanisms explaining feelings of time pressure. Among the higher educated, time pressure is a consequence of high levels of time sovereignty at the workplace.
How to Cite: Moens, M. (2004) “Handelen onder druk: tijd en tijdsdruk in Vlaanderen”, Sociologos. 25(4). doi: