Author: Joris Van Ruysseveldt
In Belgium, the main terms of employment of the majority of employees are regulated in Collective Labour Agreements (CLA). This article reports on a study into the practice of CLA negotiations, in particular at sector level. The research focused on the way in which the CLA negotiations were conducted and the features of the organisations taking part in the social consultation. Also, the content of the CLA's, that were concluded in the second half of the 1990s, was studied. Research questions are; where are the social returns of the collective bargaining system? Does that system contribute to the general interest? Or does it serves merely to further the interests of a few powerful organisations, there members and their leaders? This study shows that CLA negotiators take into account the broader social problems and interests other than those of their own organisations, if the negotiations take place at a reasonably centralised level and negotiating parties are highly organised.
How to Cite: Van Ruysseveldt, J. (2003) “Werkgelegenheidsbevorderende maatregelen en CAO's: een onderzoek naar de macroresponsiviteit van het sectorale CAO-overleg in België”, Sociologos. 24(4). doi: