Author: Hans Beyers
It's impossible to imagine our present-day information society without the internet. The coming of new media and new technologies has caused a blurring of the borders between the domains of communication media. In this article we make an effort to sketch the information society, her origin, her special features and key principles. At the same time, we will not be blind to the disadvantages and critical notices. The internet has its own particular character and applications, as a result of which it is not clear whether we can entitle the internet as a mass medium. Further, we consider the theories on innovation of new technologies and interactive media. According to these, the internet and especially the World Wide Web seem to show quite a few deviations. All of this causes the internet and predicting the future to be a widely employed, but difficult combination.
How to Cite: Beyers, H. (2002) “Het internet en de informatie-samenleving: criteria voor de adoptie van nieuwe technologie”, Sociologos. 23(3-4). doi: