
Stedelijk beleid in Vlaanderen en Nederland: kansarmoede, sociale cohesie en sociaal kapitaal

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In "Making Democracy Work", Robert Putnam describes the evolution of northern and Southern Italy in terms of 'virtuous' and 'vicious circles'. The literature on social capital is mainly concerned with one part of these self-reinforcing processes, more particularly the relation between social capital and the performance of specific institutions. The other part of the process -how institutions and policies in their turn advance or hamper norms and networks of civic engagement- is very rarely studied. In this article we discuss the possible consequences of the differences in Flemish and Dutch urban policies on the conditions conducive to the production of social capital.


How to Cite: Stouthuysen, P. , Duyvendak, J. & van der Graaf, P. (1999) “Stedelijk beleid in Vlaanderen en Nederland: kansarmoede, sociale cohesie en sociaal kapitaal”, Sociologos. 20(3-4). doi: