
Individualisering en het verenigingsleven: de Kristelijke Arbeidersvrouwen (KAV) als casestudy



Recently, the traditional pillarised organisation of the Christian Labourwomen (KAV) has to contend with a loss of members. The erosion of the traditional patterns of behaviour and the increasing possibility of choosing one’s own life style cause a membership crisis for the pillarised organisations. People prefer temporal and specific engagements above permanent associations. KAV is trying to counter this process. In 1998 it introduced a structural change with a greater attention to volunteers. Also, it started to promote teamwork in the committees. With respect to its content, KAV tries to counter the process of individualisation by using generalised values, free of any specific ideology in its tasks of education, of service and of the protection of interests. Equality, solidarity and self-development are the most important values. Moreover, since the beginning of the nineties, it increasingly delivers ideology-free services, tailored to meet individual needs.


How to Cite: Meireman, K. (1999) “Individualisering en het verenigingsleven: de Kristelijke Arbeidersvrouwen (KAV) als casestudy”, Sociologos. 20(3-4). doi: