
Allochtonen in Nederland, verontrusting en beleid

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A survey of more than two thousand Dutch people reveals quite a bit of concern about the immigration and presence of ethnic minorities, both from an economic and a cultural perspective. Even those who are not concerned did not always choose an integration-oriented policy; such a policy was more frequently rejected than endorsed. This rejection is stronger, as one would expect, among those who expressed greater concern. Both concern and rejection were more frequently indicated by people with lower education than by those with higher education. Contrary to expectations, the level of both rejection and concern had little or nothing to do with other background characteristics studied; moreover, in various combinations of characteristics, only education showed any influence.


How to Cite: Bijlsma, T. & Koopmans, F. (1996) “Allochtonen in Nederland, verontrusting en beleid”, Sociologos. 17(4). doi: