Author: Erik Samoy
The category of 'the disabled' is a socially constructed category of persons who become the object of policies on the basis of the social consequences of physical or mental impairments. The criteria for the classification of persons into this category and the contents of the policies have been researched. From the analysis of the regulations after 1945 it appears that the following criteria are relevant: work incapacity, impairments and the need for appropriate services, physical and social independence, the inability to take part in normal education and restricted possibilities of social integration. Four dimensions are distinguished in the disability policies: prevention, rehabilitation, financial compensation and care. With the exception of prevention, policy developments during the past 50 years have been documented for each dimension. Finally policies aimed at specific categories of persons are discussed.
How to Cite: Samoy, E. (1994) “Een halve eeuw gehandicaptenbeleid”, Sociologos. 15(3-4). doi: