
Het Belgisch protestantisme



Belgian protestantism, a heterogeneous minority, is permeated by all the main currents of protestantism. The most striking feature of its recent history is the creation in 1978 of the United Protestant Church of Belgium (UPCB), which results from the menging of three churches, one of which was already the result of a unification. The attitude adopted towards recognition by the State, the compatibility between their structures and the increasing collaboration within various initiatives were all elements which favoured the merger. Alongside the UPCB there are basically four other groups of Churches: the Evangelists, the Baptists, the Darbysts and the Pentecostalists; in general, these are more fundamentalist than the three Churches which merged, and are suspicious of official oecumenicalism.


How to Cite: Dhooghe, J. (1986) “Het Belgisch protestantisme”, Sociologos. 7(1-2). doi: