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Waarom er minder empirisch bewijs bestaat voor de contacttheorie dan velen beweren: Een kwantitatieve cultuursociologische kritiek

Authors: Katerina Manevska orcid logo (Nijmegen Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen) , Peter Achterberg orcid logo (Sociologie, Tilburg University) , Dick Houtman orcid logo (Sociologie, KU Leuven)

  • Waarom er minder empirisch bewijs bestaat voor de contacttheorie dan velen beweren: Een kwantitatieve cultuursociologische kritiek


    Waarom er minder empirisch bewijs bestaat voor de contacttheorie dan velen beweren: Een kwantitatieve cultuursociologische kritiek

    Authors: , ,


The finding that ethnic prejudice is particularly weakly developed among those with interethnic friendships is often construed as confirming the so-called ‘contact theory’, which holds that interethnic contact reduces racial prejudice. This theory raises cultural-sociological suspicions, however, because of its tendency to reduce culture to an allegedly ‘more fundamental’ realm of social interaction. Analysing data from the first wave of the European Social Survey, we therefore test the theory alongside an alternative cultural-sociological theory about culturally driven processes of contact selection. We find that whereas interethnic friendships are indeed culturally driven, which confirms our cultural-sociological theory, contacts with neighbours and colleagues do indeed affect ethnic prejudice. They moreover do so in a manner that is more complex and culturally sensitive than contact theory suggests: while positive cultural stances vis-à-vis ethnic diversity lead interethnic contact to decrease ethnic prejudice, negative ones rather lead the former to increase the latter.

How to Cite:

Manevska, K., Achterberg, P. & Houtman, D., (2018) “Waarom er minder empirisch bewijs bestaat voor de contacttheorie dan velen beweren: Een kwantitatieve cultuursociologische kritiek”, Sociologie 14(2-3), 147–175. doi:

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