In recent societal debates on racism in the Netherlands, cultural anthropologist Philomena Essed has become one of the key faces of Dutch research on racism. Over three decades ago, Essed published a monograph entitled Alledaags Racisme (Everyday Racism), which gave rise to substantial debate within and beyond academia on the existence of racism – especially of a more implicit, everyday variation – in the Netherlands. For the first time since 1984, Alledaags Racisme is granted a new edition and has arguably only gained in relevance in a time when issues regarding race-ethnicity are increasingly politicized (e.g. the ‘Black Pete’ debate; ethno-racial profiling by police forces). Discussing – but also going beyond – this debate, this article reports a conversation between Julian Schaap and Essed on contemporary everyday racism, the sociology of race-ethnicity, and the epistemology and methodology of research that is distinctly political.
How to Cite:
Schaap, J. & Essed, P., (2017) “De terugkeer van Alledaags Racisme. Een gesprek met Philomena Essed over alledaags racisme, wetenschap en activisme”, Sociologie 13(1), 93–108. doi: https://doi.org/10.5117/SOC2017.1.SCHA
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