
Who’s got the power? Een themanummer over de/politisering

Authors: Rogier van Reekum orcid logo (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) , Gwen van Eijk orcid logo (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

  • Who’s got the power? Een themanummer over de/politisering


    Who’s got the power? Een themanummer over de/politisering

    Authors: ,


This special issue titled Who’s got the power? A special issue on de/politicization emerged as retrospective on a special issue of five years ago, titled ‘Power to the people!’ An anatomy of populism (Uitermark et al. 2012). As populism lost its aura of a novel movement, the public struggle to claim and gain authority on important themes has become more explicit. In a series of essays, contributors reflect on past and current subjects of de/politicization, among which populism, the (allegedly shrinking) middle class, climate governance, migration and the European Union, fake news, racism, political trust and the role of social scientists in public debates.

How to Cite:

van Reekum, R. & van Eijk, G., (2017) “Who’s got the power? Een themanummer over de/politisering”, Sociologie 13(1), 1–9. doi:

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Published on
20 Oct 2017
Peer Reviewed