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De stage als precarisering van arbeid. Ervaringen van afgestudeerde stagiairs in Nederland

Authors: Bram van Vulpen orcid logo (Universiteit van Amsterdam) , Marguerite van den Berg orcid logo (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

  • De stage als precarisering van arbeid. Ervaringen van afgestudeerde stagiairs in Nederland


    De stage als precarisering van arbeid. Ervaringen van afgestudeerde stagiairs in Nederland

    Authors: ,


Increasingly, the internship is not a stage in the educational process, but the first step young people set on the labour market. In this article, the internship is considered as an example of precarisation of labour. The lived experiences of internships by highly educated graduated interns are studied, using semi structured interviews. This data show how the internship is an important form of taking care of the self: a way to invest in the project the career is. This often even implies that labour is disconnected from being paid: money is seen by the interns as a perverse impetus for working. This ethopolitic makes the interns highly susceptible for exploitation.

How to Cite:

van Vulpen, B. & van den Berg, M., (2016) β€œDe stage als precarisering van arbeid. Ervaringen van afgestudeerde stagiairs in Nederland”, Sociologie 12(2), 149–168. doi:

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