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Naar een analytische stratificatiesociologie

Authors: Jeroen van der Waal orcid logo (Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam) , Willem de Koster orcid logo (Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam)

  • Naar een analytische stratificatiesociologie


    Naar een analytische stratificatiesociologie

    Authors: ,


One of Sociology’s main questions focuses on the causes and consequences of social inequalities. We argue that Sociology does not adequately address this question, due to two interrelated problems. First, scholars have neglected the distinction between stratification in the economic domain (class) and stratification in the cultural domain (status). Second, the dominant variable-based approach in stratification research mainly results in statistical instead of theoretical explanations. Hence, research does not adequately demonstrate whether and how class inequalities and status inequalities underlie 1) economic inequalities, 2) intergenerational reproduction of social stratification, and 3) various repertoires of thinking, feeling, and acting. In order to solve these problems, we develop an analytical-sociological approach to the study of social stratification. We illustrate the added value of this mechanism-based approach by critically reflecting on the findings of extant studies on social stratification, and we discuss how it informs future research.

How to Cite:

van der Waal, J. & de Koster, W., (2015) “Naar een analytische stratificatiesociologie”, Sociologie 11(3-4), 372–401. doi:

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