
The Flemish movement and Flemish nationalism. Instruments, historiography and debates

Author: Bruno Leon Julius Maria De Wever (UGent)

  • The Flemish movement and Flemish nationalism. Instruments, historiography and debates


    The Flemish movement and Flemish nationalism. Instruments, historiography and debates



This article gives a concise overview of the historiography of the Flemish movement and the Belgian nationality conflict. It addresses the main working instruments and scientific infrastructure. Furthermore it provides an overview of the basic works and the most significant literature in English, French and German. It detects the theoretical frameworks and gives a brief overview of the smouldering historiographical debates: the social players of the Flemish movement in the 19th century; the impact of World War I on Flemish nation building; the Flemish movement during the interwar years and World War II; the ideological developments of the Flemish movement and the Belgian state reform after World War II.

Keywords: Flemish movement, Belgian national identity, World War I, Flemish nation, nation building, interwar period, state reform

How to Cite:

De Wever, B. L., (2013) “The Flemish movement and Flemish nationalism. Instruments, historiography and debates”, Studies on National Movements 1(1), 31. doi:

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Published on
31 Dec 2013
Peer Reviewed