In 2008 an international research, heuristic and archival platform of scholars and institutes was established: NISE, acronym for National movements and Intermediary Structures in Europe. Its main objective is to enable comparative and transnational studies on national movements in general and their intermediary structures in particular: political parties, cultural associations and social organisations, the people associated with these structures (persons in charge, activists, representatives, ideologists...), and the programmes and goals as articulated in their publications and archives. Mapping out personal and institutional relations between national movements also enables researchers to study political and cultural transfers. And theoreticians of nationalism are given the opportunity to make use of more controlled and structured empirical data than ever before.
Keywords: NISE, Intermediary structures, national movements, political parties, archives
How to Cite:
Boeva, L. & Stynen, A., (2013) “Not yet another journal on nationalism?”, Studies on National Movements 1(1), 6. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/snm.85413
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