
The Catalan case on trial. The making of heroic leadership on a courtroom stage

Author: Joan Esculies

  • The Catalan case on trial. The making of heroic leadership on a courtroom stage


    The Catalan case on trial. The making of heroic leadership on a courtroom stage



During the 20th century, several outstanding Catalan politicians became famous after being judged in court. Their trial experience was crucial for the later development of their successful careers. Taking full advantage of the political nature of their court cases, all succeeded in presenting themselves as heroes and/or martyrs of the Catalan cause against Spanish governmental oppression. All subsequently became, or already were, presidents of Catalan autonomous rule: Enric Prat de la Riba, Francesc Macià, Lluís Companys and Jordi Pujol. With a comparative approach, the author attempts to show how politicians have used trials as a stage or as a public platform to gain popularity.

Keywords: Catalonia, catalan nationalism, political trials

How to Cite:

Esculies, J., (2015) “The Catalan case on trial. The making of heroic leadership on a courtroom stage”, Studies on National Movements 3(1), 24. doi:

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Published on
31 Dec 2015
Peer Reviewed