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Challenges for the European higher education, with special reference to forestry

  • N. Lust
  • L. Nachtergale


The  ongoing discussion about the future of the forestry education can be  considered as a part of    the present intensive discussion on the European Higher Education System.  Both the Sorbonne and the Bologna declarations are calling for the harmonisation of the higher education systems in Europe. The reality, however, is that the existing structures show an extreme complexity and    diversity of curricular and degree structures, due to major differences in  several key factors. Forestry education in Europe reflects quite well the features of the Higher Education in Europe.    Curricula strongly differ, forestry as a science has thoroughly evolved  during the last decades,    foresters are faced to new challenges and the labour market offers other  opportunities. As a    result, there is both the need for harmonisation and for increased  mobility, meaning that there    are several reasons for changing forestry curricula. Fundamental changes in  the field of    profession and didactic requirements are major reasons to revise the  forestry curricula. The shift    from developing mainly the professional qualifications of the students to a  stronger emphasis on    the formation of the personal qualifications are considered as the main  general issue in the    changes of the forestry curricula.

How to Cite:

Lust, N. & Nachtergale, L., (2000) “Challenges for the European higher education, with special reference to forestry”, Silva Gandavensis 65. doi:

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