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Structure and development patterns analysis of the Ostrya carpinifolia pure and mixed stands in the western part of Nestos valley

  • E. Milios


The  study was conducted in Ostrya carpinifolia (pure and mixed) stands in the slopes of the    western part of Nestos valley (in the region of Xanthi). In order to  analyze the structure and the    development patterns of our stands, 41 plots were established, trees were  cut, increment cores    were taken, and stem analysis was conducted in 3 couples of dominant  (competitive) trees. The    main results of this research indicate that a) O.  carpinifolia (pure and mixed) stands origin,    initiation, development patterns, structure and spatial distribution were  strongly affected by    anthropogenic disturbances. b) The development patterns and structures  (today) of O.    carpinifolia structural types were also affected  by three other important factors: the growth    ecology of each species, their regeneration mechanisms and the quality of  the site. c) O.    carpinifolia and F. ornus trees, until the age of 80  - 100 years old, dominate in the upper storeys,    exhibiting similar height growth patterns, whereas C. orienta lis trees usually are  stratified in the    lower storeys. d) The site sensitivity classification of the three main  species, in O. carpinifolia    mixed stands, is as follows O. carpinifolia > F. ornus > C. orientalis. This site sensitivity difference    between the main species of our mixed stands has a significant effect in  the formation of their    structure. We observe a gradual alteration of the species contribution, in  the total basal area of    the stand, in relation to site quality. e) O.  carpinifolia trees maintain a high sprouting  capacity in    medium ages (around 50 years old), whereas the most vigorous 30 years old  stump sprouts,    have high growth rhythms that are greater than those which had the seed  origin standards in    the first 30 years of their lives. f) The main silviculture objective is to  convert almost all stands in    seed origin stands. Furthermore, forest practice must favor multiple  species mixed stands. Their    composition must be determined in relation to site quality.

How to Cite:

Milios, E., (2000) “Structure and development patterns analysis of the Ostrya carpinifolia pure and mixed stands in the western part of Nestos valley”, Silva Gandavensis 65. doi:

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