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Enhancing sustainable forest management in Indonesia

  • - Pratiwi
  • N. Lust


This  paper gives an overview of the problems of forest management and proposed  strategy to enhance sustainable forest management in Indonesia. The increase  of the population number leads to need of land to support their activities,  particularly for agriculture, pasture, settlement, etc. Since forest is the  major land-use in Indonesia, deforestation is inevitable. Deforestation rate  in Indonesia increased, from 0.3 percent in 1970s to 0.6 percent of total  land in 1980's, causing socio-economic and ecological consequences. Based on  the awareness of the multiple forest functions concerning the ecological,  social and economical aspects, declined forest land area might lead to local  and global catastrophes. Hence forest resources should be stabilized or even  the area should be increased through declining deforestation, increasing  reforestation areas on degraded land, etc. In addition the forest should be  maintained based on the principles of sustainable forest management. Efforts  in sustaining forest existence and forest management in Indonesia have been  started since long time, but the success of these efforts is still to be  increased by enhancing sustainable forest management.

How to Cite:

Pratiwi, -. & Lust, N., (1996) “Enhancing sustainable forest management in Indonesia”, Silva Gandavensis 61. doi:

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