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Entwicklung mechanischer Stabilitätsmerkmale in Fichtenstangenhölzern in Oberösterreich

  • P. Huvenne


In  Central Europe, spruce forests play an important role in forestry and wood  production and cover large surfaces. This study focuses on the mechanical  stability of monocultural, evenaged spruce stands. Measurements were taken in  three different forests in the Western part of Oberösterreich (Austria). Two  of them belong to farmers, the third, the "Weilhartsforst" is run  as a private business. In 18 plots of 20 by 20 meters, an inventory of  diameter, height, crown length, social position and damage by deer was made.  This data were statistically analysed on al parameters in relation to  management and eld. The h/d ratio was used as main parameter, as it is in  many Austrian stability studies.     Generally , the mechanical stability of the spruce stands is insufficient,  which is the result of the treatment. A strong thinning, by cutting  neighbouring trees of all candidates will give a satisfactory h/d ratio.  There was found that a first stern reduction should take place in the first  10 years, and a first thinning 5 to 7 years later. Dominant trees are the  most stable ones, but also the most attractive for deer. To prevent damage, a  good wildlife management is necessary. By selecting the dominant trees and  following a consequent thinning, one creates a very uniform stand. This seems  to be the most mechanically stable, following the results of the research,  but it is known as ecologically dangerous.

How to Cite:

Huvenne, P., (1995) “Entwicklung mechanischer Stabilitätsmerkmale in Fichtenstangenhölzern in Oberösterreich”, Silva Gandavensis 60. doi:

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