Regeneration patterns and problems in mixed forests
- N. Lust
Knowledge on natural regeneration in mixed stands is scarce. In natural forests all kind of interactions lead to an excellent natural regeneration. Two regeneration strategies appear: gap succession and advance growth succession. Four critical factors can be distinguished in the process of natural forest regeneration stand condition, weather situation, soil condition and biotic factors. Forestry can significantly contribute to a successful natural regeneration by creating suitable ecological conditions. Crown density should be reduced to 60 % and secondary thinnings may only be executed after the establishment and consolidation of the seedlings. Soil preparation should be done to avoid soil compaction and raw humus formation as well as improve chemical and physical soil conditions. At present fencing is practically unavoidable.
How to Cite:
Lust, N., (1994) “Regeneration patterns and problems in mixed forests”, Silva Gandavensis 59. doi:
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