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Growth table for Corsican pine in Flanders (Belgium)

  • B. Meuleman


After  its introduction at the start of this century, the Corsican pine has become  an important forest tree in Flanders (Belgium). The total area covered by  Corsican pine is about 11.000 ha. Due to climatological factors it is  virtually absent from the Walloon part of Belgium. Despite the crisis in 1984  - 1986, practical experiences with its vitality and disease resistance are  generally positive. Compared to Scots pine which is native to Belgium, its  productivity and insensitivity for insect pests is large.     To quantify the productivity of Corsican pine, a growth table was  constructed using a method developed by PALM and DAGNELIE. It was based on  data from 321 temporarily and 80 permanent plots distributed over Flanders.  Five yield classes were distinguished according to dominant height at 50  years. For each yield class, a series of tables as a function of treatment  was constructed. Treatments were characterized by the mean annual  circumference increment.     These tables allow to predict the growth of Corsican pines. Such  predictions for the whole range of species are necessary for the development  of a good forestry policy and for timber industries. The tables also provide  information for any given Corsican pine stand that is helpful in practice:  expected productivity, stand density, determination of the felling quantum.      The data show that the productivity of Corsican pine is very high. The very  early culmination of the current annual volume increment and the rather  constant level of the mean annual volume increment after culmination are  interesting new findings. It is also shown that it is possible to work with  long rotation periods. This offers good opportunities for the production of  high quality wood and is also important for the social and ecological role of  the forest.     Productivity is lowest on very dry and sandy soils. A high productivity on  moderately dry sand and loamy sand soils and loamy soils make the Corsican  pine one of the most valuable tree species for the Kempen in Flanders.  Although productivity is very high on well drained sandy loam and loam soils,  plantation of Corsican pine on these locations is not advised.

How to Cite:

Meuleman, B., (1991) “Growth table for Corsican pine in Flanders (Belgium)”, Silva Gandavensis 56. doi:

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