
Analyse de la structure et de la croissance des futaies jardinées sur le térritoire de l'Ancienne Republique de Venise

  • N. Lust


Analysis of the structure and the grouwth in selection forests  of the Ancient Republic of Venetia - ln the  selection forests of the Ancient Republic of Venetia, the regeneration isn’t  continuous. Normally there is a period of 30 years between two excellent  regenerations. The spruce and the silver fir dominate alternately during an  eighty years’ period.    Up to size-class 15 inclusive, the largest part of the trees belong to the  dominated class. The codominant trees are mostly found in the size-classes 20  and 25. From the size-class 25, most of the trees are dominating.    There is an essential difference between the social position of the silver  fir and the social position of the spruce. In general, the silver fir belongs  to a lower social position. At a same diameter, the silver fir is also less  high.    In the lowest size-classes, the time necessary to grow in to a higher class  is longer for the silver fir than for the spruce. From class 35 on however  it’s contrary. With a diameter of 5 cm the average age of the spruce is 35  years and the average age of the silver fir is 54 years. The active age of  both species is however nearly the same.

How to Cite:

Lust, N., (1971) “Analyse de la structure et de la croissance des futaies jardinées sur le térritoire de l'Ancienne Republique de Venise”, Silva Gandavensis 27. doi:

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Published on
13 Nov 1971
Peer Reviewed