
L'état d'équilibre des futaies jardinées sur le territoire de l'Ancienne Republique de Venise



The equilibrium of some selection forests of the Ancient  Republic of Venetia - The actual selection forests  of the Ancient Republic of Venetia distinguish very clearly from those of  central Europe:     1. The maximal diamter (DE) is very low (50-55 cm).     2. The number of stems in the last size-class (O) is very high.     3. The felling: the greatest part of the trees is cut in the last  size-class. In the lower classes only few trees are felled.    ln order to calculate the equilibrium, we have finally admitted the  formula:     q = (log O -log V - 4,68713 log DE + 8,30490)/(11,58048 - 7,17988 log DE)     The most important characteristics of a forest of first or second  quality-class are as follows :                      a          q              DE          O          N            V            Ba               Vol.M.  % large timber    1. cl    120,1     1,36         75           3        325,3     347,1      31,0            1,07                 34,1    2. cl    150,0     1,54         65           2        274,1     207,6      19,7            0,76                 16,2


How to Cite: Lust, N. (1971) “L'état d'équilibre des futaies jardinées sur le territoire de l'Ancienne Republique de Venise”, Silva Gandavensis. 25(0). doi: