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Friction welding of ceramics to metals

  • Dries Bonte
  • Bart Derynck
  • Patrick De Baets
  • Wim De Waele
  • Koen Faes


This paper discusses the progress in a master thesis about friction welding of ceramics to metals. An existing friction welding machine has to be adapted for the experimental part of this research. The required capabilities of this machine are discussed in this paper. As an introduction, a general explanation about friction welding is given. The results of a literature survey on friction welding of ceramics to metals are discussed. The aim of this survey was to determine the process parameters required to obtain a good weld quality. It became clear that few literature exists on friction welding of these materials and that the cited values for the process parameters vary widely. Based hereon, a range of process parameter values was used to make certain design choices. Because a laboratory machine is aimed at, it has to be able to function at varying settings of the process parameters, including testing at higher rotational speeds. Finally, process windows illustrating sound combinations of friction pressure and specimen diameter are calculated. The design choices entail certain restrictions on the capabilities of the machine. These restrictions define the boundaries of the process window

How to Cite:

Bonte, D., Derynck, B., De Baets, P., De Waele, W. & Faes, K., (2010) “Friction welding of ceramics to metals”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 14-20. doi:

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