Interpretation of stress-strain curve in pipeline research
- J.B Wellekens
- Wim De Waele
- Rudi Denys
- Stijn Hertele
- Matthias Verstraete
For the design of on-shore pipelines installed in areas that are susceptible to ground movements and offshore pipelines, axial stresses above yield must be considered. In such so-called strain-based design,knowledge of the stress-strain behaviour of the pipeline steel and girth welds is highly important. These behaviours are influenced by many factors, including: welding parameters, operation temperature, tensile test specimen geometry and orientation, and microstructure of the steel. This paper focuses on the influence of the tensile test specimen geometry and orientation, for the case of UOE formed pipes. As regards the geometry, it is concluded that the stress-strain diagram is most representative for a flat fullthickness test specimen. As regards the orientation, the yield stress is higher for transversal test specimens, as compared to longitudinally oriented test specimens.
How to Cite:
Wellekens, J., De Waele, W., Denys, R., Hertele, S. & Verstraete, M., (2010) “Interpretation of stress-strain curve in pipeline research”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 40-45. doi:
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