High conductive graphite additives for magnesium catalyzed cast PA6 polymer matrix
- Matyas Ando
- Gabor Kalacska
- T. Czigany
At this article we give a brief review about the additives effects for cast polyamide 6engineering plastics. The natural grade Magnesium catalyzed polyamide 6 has unique mechanicalproperties. Our target is to keep the mechanical and tribological properties with the development ofantistatic and ESD composite version. High conductive very effective to improve the electricalconductivity of magnezium catalized cast PA 6. Only few amount, 0,5% can result good antistaticproperty for the base matrix. Over 3% of additive the surface resistance of the material – performing107 Ω - can reach the ESD (Electrostatic Dissipative) category.
How to Cite:
Ando, M., Kalacska, G. & Czigany, T., (2010) “High conductive graphite additives for magnesium catalyzed cast PA6 polymer matrix”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 86-89. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/scad.v1i1.20399
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