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Biomechanical research of Szent István university

  • B. Csizmadia
  • Gusztav Fekete,


This paper represents a short summary of the human knee joint modeling. The BiomechanicalTeam of the Szent István University investigates the motion of the human knee in the case of squatting. Inthe analysis of the previously mentioned motion the emphasis is laid on the kinematical properties, which isapproximated by experimental and numerical ways. Primarily the sliding and rolling properties of the humancondyles are examined, especially I in those domains where pure rolling, rolling and sliding jointly, and puresliding may occur. Since only the two extremities are well known in the theoretical and applied mechanics,this paper wishes to furnish further information to the subject. On the other hand, in order to determinespecial additional features the global experimental investigations of the knee are also crucial. These resultscan be essential for further investigations of the phenomena of the combination of rolling and sliding and toshow a new path of creating prosthesis.

How to Cite:

Csizmadia, B. & Fekete,, G., (2010) “Biomechanical research of Szent István university”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 107-114. doi:

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