Research of machining forces and technological features of cast PA6, POM C and UHMW-PE HD 1000
- Robert Keresztes
- Gabor Kalacska
Nowadays parts made of up-to-date engineering plastics are used more and morein mechanical engineering practice. These machine-elements are produced most frequentlyby injection molding or by one cutting process. The injection molding technology are usedgenerally for great number of pieces, in case of serial production while cutting processes arepreferred to piece (unit) or smaller number production.We used lathe and measured the main- and feeding-directional cutting force at differentengineering polymers (cast PA6, POM C and UHMW PE HD 1000). The analysis made canbe well used in practice.
How to Cite:
Keresztes, R. & Kalacska, G., (2010) “Research of machining forces and technological features of cast PA6, POM C and UHMW-PE HD 1000”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 136-143. doi:
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