Micro-welding technology platform
- Nele Van Caenegem
The BWI (Belgian Welding Institute) works in collaboration with CEWAC (Centre d’études wallonde l’assemblage et du contrôle des matériaux) and MULTITEL, 2 other approved research centers on aproject concerning micro welding and associated quality controls. A platform that groups different microwelding processes and adapted, advanced quality controls has to be build up. The technologies are: microfriction stir welding, micro-plasma, micro-TIG, micro-resistance welding, micro-laser welding, micro-electronbeam welding, digital micro-radiography and micro-control via adapted penetrant inspection. Some of thesetechnologies are already available at CEWAC, others are new. The installation of all the equipment, theexisting and the new machines, is foreseen by July 2010. This platform will be accessible for all companies,to know the technology, to compare different techniques, to ask for the best solution, the best parameterset-up for their application, to make small pre-series, etc…
How to Cite:
Van Caenegem, N., (2010) “Micro-welding technology platform”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 180-181. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/scad.v1i1.20423
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