Fatigue investigation of threaded pipe connections
- Jeroen Van Wittenberghe
- Jan De Pauw
- Patrick De Baets
- Wim De Waele
- Wouter Ost
- G. De Roeck
- T.T. Bui
Threaded pipe connections are used to connect well casing, well tubing, drill pipes and risers.For many of these applications fatigue resistance plays an important role. In this study the fatigueproperties of threaded connections are studied using a combination of finite element modelling andexperimental testing. Using 2D axisymmetric FE analysis several connections are compared. It is shownthat the load distribution over the engaged threads is an important feature. Experimental tests are carriedout on three setups. A small scale four-point bending setup is used to develop S-N curves. An S-N curve fora standard API Line Pipe connection is compared to an S-N curve for a connection that showed animproved load distribution over the engaged threads in the FE analysis. On a medium scale four-pointbending setup, strains together with crack opening are measured. The strain measurements are comparedwith the strains obtained by the numerical model. Finally a full scale resonant bending fatigue setup ispresented, which will be used in future testing of pipe connections ranging from 168 mm (6”) to 508 mm(20”) in diameter.
How to Cite:
Van Wittenberghe, J., De Pauw, J., De Baets, P., De Waele, W., Ost, W., De Roeck, G. & Bui, T., (2010) “Fatigue investigation of threaded pipe connections”, International Journal of Sustainable Construction and Design 1(1), 182-189. doi: https://doi.org/10.21825/scad.v1i1.20424
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